Faith Rises at MCCC
Angelina & Kaitlyn came up to our outreach event table at Mercer County Community College with gentle smiles and curiosity. As they grabbed donuts, we asked them where they felt they were in their spiritual journeys, they pointed to “open” and “curious”. “I’d want to know more about who God is.” Angelina & Kaitlyn made their way to our bible study just down the hall, and became regular members of the community, bringing curiosity to scripture and vulnerability to the safe space. At the end of the semester, as a response to a call to faith, both students made first time decisions of faith to make Jesus Lord of their lives.
“I was struggling through a lot of relational challenges and really felt lost. But I believe all these things happened so I could grow closer to God, who I now know loves me and provides for every one of my needs.” Angelina reflected.
Angelina and Kaitlyn were 2 of the 6 students who made decisions of faith this semester. Devon and Nia, both having grown up in Christian households, made first time adult decisions of faith, after experiencing scripture in community so powerfully. Riley & Will joined the community after feeling prompted by the Holy Spirit to explore faith in a safe space. Both gave their lives to Christ after an invitation to faith.
“Faith rises as you go”. This was the motto of Mercer’s InterVarsity Chapter throughout the semester. With every faithful risk, and simple invitation to life with God, the Lord was already preparing a harvest, softening and opening hearts beyond expectation. Praise God for his work at Mercer County Community College! He is faithful in every season.