Long Island Ministry Residency

About Long Island Ministry

Long Island has large research institutions, small private schools, and community colleges.  With over 250,000 students, from all over the world as well as Long Island natives, ministry opportunities here abound.  InterVarsity has a rich 60 year history on Long Island, with ministry at 8 schools including established chapters and newer plants.

Unique Opportunities

With 13 college campuses in a 50 mile stretch, residents placed in Long Island will have opportunity to learn what ministry is like on multiple campuses and various contexts. In the same day, a resident can do outreach on a campus with no known ministry and coach student leaders from another school to lead bible study. This wide range will give residents a taste of everything college ministry has to offer, while learning from a diverse and seasoned team of InterVarsity Staff Ministers.

What else LI has to offer:

Working on Long Island also means working with a close knit team. Because of the proximity of our campus work, many of our staff work together and learn from one another. This team also loves to meet over a good meal and fun. On your off days, you'll have easy access to explore all downstate New York has to offer!